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What we’re about

Meet other local Entrepreneurs / Small Business Owners who are looking to grow their business by using smart marketing and business growth strategies.

This is much more than a networking event... We actually SHOW you exactly what to do so you can grow your own business. This is more than Marketing. It's Business Growth!


This is a Pure content and Real Business owners sharing their successes.  Because these are real business owners sharing their most important secrets. We can't have any of their competitors or marketing consultants in the sharing their secrets with their competitors. So you must qualify to join.

Click Here to See if you Qualify

Our group is small limited to 25 attendees. You must qualify to attend. Our meetings are on Saturdays and run from 9 AM to 3 PM.  If you qualify, we will share the location.  We provide a lunch. 

Our Meetings feature a Business Owner sharing their Success Secrets (and their struggles and failures).

Some have just started up and many have expanded their businesses. Some are retired and have been either the CEO or owner of significant businesses.

Click Here to see our Next Speakers

Some of the strategies we share and go through each and every meeting:

*  Sales Secrets from a master sales guru

*  Business Models that grow

*  How to set up your Measurement for Modern Marketing

*  Some of the most powerful marketing strategies (most of these aren't know by the small business guru's yet)

These events will give you practical take aways:

1. Learn the most important thing to do for your business right now.

2. Discover your leverage.

3. End your marketing confusion.

Discover How To Generate More:

1 - Online and Offline Traffic

2 - Qualified Leads

3 - More Sales and Income

4 - More Profits!

All leading to a happier, more productive business.

Make your business work for you instead of the other way around. Meet people who have actually achieved this and ask them your questions.

Current entrepreneurs are all welcome and you will learn ACTIONABLE STRATEGIES at each and every meeting you can take and use to increase your business.

Click Here  for Details