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Antiquing in Nanton with tea and scones after in High River

Photo of Trudy Holder
Hosted By
Trudy H.
Antiquing in Nanton with tea and scones after in High River


On Friday, June 21, at 11:00 a.m. meet outside the Candy / Antique store in Nanton. Address: 2131 20 St, Nanton

After antiquing ... drive to High River to enjoy tea and scones at 1:30 p.m. at The Noble Tea House. Depending on what you order, a single scone and pot of tea should be about $10.00.


Reservations are under my name: Trudy
I have made reservations for 12 people so the attendee limit on this event reflects that reservation.

Address: 440 Macleod Trail SW, High River 403-978-7391

Directions to the Noble Tea House:
On Highway 2A exit at 194B, then head West on 12 Avenue SE. Take the second exit at the circle and continue on 12 Avenue SE to 6 Street SE. Turn North on 6 Street SE. At the T intersection, turn East on Macleod Trail SW. The Noble Tea House is one block down on the North side of the road. Parking is on the street, beside and in front of the tea house.

Questions? Contact Trudy by leaving a message in the Chat Box.

How to cancel if something comes up and you can't attend
Log into your account on this page (top right corner by your photo). Next, at the bottom right corner of the page, click on "You're going!" to change your RSVP.

Event waiver
As a non-profit meetup group, we offer events hosted or coordinated by volunteers who are event players and participants who organise events. As such, we are untrained and non-certified volunteer organisers and participant hosts, not coaches, trainers, or hiking or event experts. By signing up as a member of the Calgary Women Having Fun Walking group, or by attending this event as a non-member, you agree to participate in the event voluntarily and entirely at your own risk. You and your guests accept that the event can be dangerous and agree to fully assume all risks with participating, including travel and carpooling to and from our events with other drivers. You acknowledge, understand, and agree to release and discharge the Group hosts, coordinators, organisers, participants, drivers, and the lessors of event premises from any and all claims or actions that could stem from your voluntary travel and participation in this meetup and event.

Photo of Calgary Women Having Fun Walking group
Calgary Women Having Fun Walking
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12 spots left