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Bonfire and Weenie roast at North Glenmore Park

Photo of Trudy Holder
Hosted By
Trudy H.
Bonfire and Weenie roast at North Glenmore Park


On Tuesday, June 18, at 7:00 p.m. let's get together and make a fire to roast some hot dogs. My idea for organising this is to put a list below and have people state what they will bring in the comments section of the event. Also, in the comments section, please add anything that I have missed :)

Parking: North Glenmore Parking Lot B

Let's meet in the parking lot so that we can bring everything by wagon over to the picnic site

We DO NOT have a reservation for a specific spot (the cost is $75.00 to book one ... so I am setting this up for a weekend night and choosing a location where there's two possible sites ... to maximise our ability to find a spot for us).

List that I can think we'll need to bring (in addition to your personal needs for mosquito repellent, etc):
Chair/lawn chair
Paper plates/utensils/scissors or knife open wiener package/cut buns
Chips or fruit or whatever would complement the hot dogs
Hot dog buns
Hangars/implements for roasting hot dogs

Address: North Glenmore Park (I am not finding more information than that to pass on. Best to follow the directions below and find the parking lot ... North Glenmore Parking Lot B)

Head south on Crowchild Trail and continue over Glenmore Trail. Pass the Lakeview Plaza (6449 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary) on the right and continue on Crowchild Trail into North Glenmore Park to the parking lot.

Questions? Contact Trudy by leaving a message in the Chat Box.

How to cancel if something comes up and you can't attend
Log into your account on this page (top right corner by your photo). Next, at the bottom right corner of the page, click on "You're going!" to change your RSVP.

Event waiver
As a non-profit meetup group, we offer events hosted or coordinated by volunteers who are event players and participants who organise events. As such, we are untrained and non-certified volunteer organisers and participant hosts, not coaches, trainers, or hiking or event experts. By signing up as a member of the Calgary Women Having Fun Walking group, or by attending this event as a non-member, you agree to participate in the event voluntarily and entirely at your own risk. You and your guests accept that the event can be dangerous and agree to fully assume all risks with participating, including travel and carpooling to and from our events with other drivers. You acknowledge, understand, and agree to release and discharge the Group hosts, coordinators, organisers, participants, drivers, and the lessors of event premises from any and all claims or actions that could stem from your voluntary travel and participation in this meetup and event.

Photo of Calgary Women Having Fun Walking group
Calgary Women Having Fun Walking
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