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What we’re about

These workouts are designed to cater to as wide a spectrum of user as possible. From Timmy the Tight Man to Bella the Bendy Ballerina. I've curated something that caters to everyone.

There will be an initial prep phase I will guide you through at the beginning. The prep work or warm up will be very basic moves while also being very effective.

You'll be training mobility in parts of your body you've forgotten about or didn't even now you needed to train. The functionality of our kinetic chain plays an integral part on how we operate and function day to day.

I'm going to teach you neural connections that are invaluable lessons your body will appreciate, especially as we age. Poor neural connections to joints/muscles are the cause of so much 'movement dysfunction'- it comes down to people not using these areas.

"Use it or Loose it" the wise man once said. Which I know is easy to say but it can be tough to know how to, and that's where my expertise comes in.

Do you have niggles and nagging injuries that have been existing for the last few years? Are you someone who thinks you'll graduate past a certain point and be good from these injuries forever? Wrong. You can't escape them. They will present themselves again in one way or another.

This is phase 1 where we will build joint resilience. It's important that you show up to each workout because you will be building and preparing your body for the harder workouts in phase 2. Each phase will go for 4 weeks. Phase 2 we will use every- minute-on the-minute workouts to improve strength and overall endurance.

This is for you if you want to ENHANCE your physical performance, IMPROVE your body control and coordination, TIGHTEN your connective tissue, BURN calories, BUILD strength all while being apart of a supportive community who will support and encourage you along the way. We are all in this together.

The classes will be outdoors at Auditorium shores front and center on the side closest to the lake 🥰

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