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What we’re about

This group is for people who love to chat, about the big things in life. We meet for facilitated discussions, socials, and occasional meals and walks.

Our facilitated discussions are on Sunday mornings in Cambridge, in groups of five or six so that each of us has plenty of talk time. (The group is particularly suited to people with Myers-Briggs "N" personalities.)

We suggest a contribution of £2 at each event, to help cover the Meetup fee of over £200 a year. Either by bringing cash, or by sending a BACS with your name as the reference to account name AJ Stanton, account number 20456094, sort code 23-05-80. Thank you.

For the organisation of our formal, facilitated Sunday events, No Shows and last-minute withdrawals are a problem. Our events often have a waiting list, and short or no-notice cancellations mean others are unable to come along who want to. We ask that you update your attendance at least 24 hours prior to the meeting if you become aware that you can no longer attend.

Upcoming events (4+)

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