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Uptown PEN tonight at 7!

From: Jake F.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 11:01 AM

Hi Everybody,

In case you missed ALL THE THINGS THAT HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND, here's your chance to go to one more. The Uptown Pen at Practical Art (5070 N. Central Ave., Phoenix AZ 85012) tonight at 7, featuring Shawnte Orion (hosted by me; event details here)!

Also, I'll be sending out an e-mail later tonight thanking everybody for coming to the party, especially Penny and Rich, and revealing a little more information about certain other things.

Alas, I'm sorry the e-mail isn't funnier or more engaging, I tried a little but ended up deleting it, but I'm wearing like my last pair of clean clothes, I have seven days of stupid beard face, and I'm late for work.

Thanks much, and hope to see you there!


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