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Recurring Tuesday Morning Brisk Walk - Every Other Week!

Photo of Marjorie Baer
Hosted By
Marjorie B. and Mindy K.
Recurring Tuesday Morning Brisk Walk - Every Other Week!


Hello HCM Gang,

Grab your sneakers and join me and Mindy for a brisk 45-min walk or jog.

We decided to make this recurring every other week, so mark your calendar!

Afterwards, join me at Waterbean Coffee at Quail Corners for a cup of Organic Joe (only 5 minutes away from trail)!

Thank you Mindy for co-hosting!

PLEASE NOTE - Please do not be a no-show. We wonder and wait for you because you matter! Simply change your RSVP to not going, then we know :)

Photo of Charlotte Health-Conscious 50s-60s Singles group
Charlotte Health-Conscious 50s-60s Singles
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