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Re: [chickens1] Lice

From: Melina B.
Sent on: Thursday, October 9, 2014, 9:14 PM
Hi Monty- Its hardly draconian...but DE does not work. It is as effective as sand in that it knocks the eggs off your birds, but otherwise, it doesn't work. Having sand in your run or a sand box is much more effective,
Anyway, you must treat them or they will kill your chickens.
You can use garden dust with permethrin. they have it at the the feed stores, amazon and also at the hardware store and any plant store.
wear gloves and a mask, and do it outside. You want to hold each chicken down on the ground and pour the dust on them working it especially up from the vent area to under the wings. You must repeat this in 4-5 days to kill the newly hatching eggs. nothing kills the eggs so you have to get them as they hatch or you will have to catch a new cycle as it goes round again.
Lice are light brown, white, or even almost clear. they lay white eggs in clusters at the base of the feathers. Mites are usually red or brown and they are tiny dots that cover the base of the feathers in an undulating mass. they create a crust on the skin and destroy the feathers. infestation of these bugs can range from early infestation where you just see a few to huge amounts totally covering them. These bugs want the chickens, not you, but they can get on get them treated and wear gloves and a mask so you don't breathe the dust.
also be aware that DE is very dangerous to breathe as well, so always wear a mask.

check your chickens often.
There are further treatments but dust is the most benign and you get the best and quickest results with it. 
If this goes on...check every week after your second treatment, you may want to try further treatment.

I would also clean out your coop and get some permethrin spray all over the wood and let it dry before replacing bedding. If you put dust, it will fly around when they walk on it and they will breathe it.

Hardly draconian, as this has been the go-to treatment for mites and lice forever. 

Please do this asap because these bugs not only stop them from laying but can make them very sick and actually kill them.

good luck.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Monty Bancroft <[address removed]> wrote:
I have discovered what looks like chicken lice in the coop. I've put down diatomaceous earth in their run
where they dust bathe. They have been using it but will that be enough ? Am I going to have to apply
some kind of draconian measures to keep this from getting out of hand ? Can they infect people ?



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