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What we’re about

We get together to meet people and connect at a deeper level than we usually get to have in our everyday lives. It's beautiful and it's fun.

Every week we practice being human together.

It's like yoga, but stretching our souls.
It's like meditation, but out loud with each other.
It's like improv music--something unexpected gets created together.

Authentic Relating games are a way to connect with other people in a context where everyone is invited to be vulnerable. Practicing vulnerability, self-disclosure, and deeper connections is a little easier when we all do it together. It's fun, and there's no wrong way to do it!

Circling is an amazing practice I learned from certified facilitators and dear friends in Dallas and Austin, TX. I'm excited to bring it wherever I go. I would love to build a community of folks interested in doing this practice together--does this sound like something you want to get involved in?

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