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Important RSVP information

From: Mountain Rose P.
Sent on: Monday, September 14, 2009, 11:19 AM
When you wish to RSVP for an event or activity held outside the Rocky Mountain (Denver) Pronaos you must go directly to the site for that event. For example, the Columbine Pronaos (Boulder) handles their own activities. If you want to attend the upcoming Estes Park Retreat please email or call the persons(s) listed with that event.

If plan on attending the retreat, and haven't already done so,

Immediately contact:

Bill Hallett
[address removed]
Bob Stanko
[address removed]

For Denver and Denver mountain area carpooling please contact

Carol Schloegel: [address removed]
Home: (303)[masked] Cell: (303)[masked]
or send a message to this meetup.

There are many events for which if you haven't RSVP'd you may still attend. These include monthly meetup Roundtables and events such as the past Mt Evans Sunset/Moon Rise and the Columbine Pronaos peace meditation. We prefer if you do RSVP. Our logistics for these occasions are simple and we do not have to make advanced facilities arrangements. It also allows us to contact you last minuter if there are any changes. Specific names and contact information are often posted for carpooling or other arrangements you wish to make.

For most Rocky Mountain (Denver) Pronaos events you can also effectively communicate with this meetup.

In general, if I perceive a possible misunderstanding I will contact you or the entire meetup to clarify the situation.

The bottom line is that you are always welcome to any open event and I am ready to do anything necessary to make it work for you.

I hope to see or talk to you soon.