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From: Daniel G.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 2:24 PM
Hello folks!

Sorry for the delay in getting the Den of Clojure rescheduled, we had a few issues finding a space. Society has been great for us but they are doing well and are booked a lot more often. Rally Software, Code-Talent, and FullContact have all stepped up and offered use of their spaces for free. The only issue with these spaces is that our meetings are at night after work and people get hungry. I can't see hosting a meeting from 6 pm to 8:30 pm and not having food available for folks. I believe that we'll continue to use Society as they are available, however I'd like to start using some of the other offices around town too.

This is the part where I ask you for money. I'm looking for corporate sponsorship for dinner. I'd like to spread the love amongst the local companies that are using or are interested in Clojure. The ask is $250/night. That covers an Illegal Pete's taco bar and tip. I'm open to other food options (and will likely mix it up a bit) however we have folks with all sorts of dietary restrictions and I want people to be able to eat so they aren't distracted and can learn. Meals will work for vegetarians and gluten-free folks, if you have any other dietary concerns then please let me know.

We are looking to cover meals for the following slots:

April 2nd
(Hopefully another meeting in late April)

FullContact has stepped up and agreed to cover dinner for at least three months this year. If we could get two other companies to pitch in for three months then we'll have the rest of the year covered. Please ask around and let me know if any companies are willing to help.

Thanks for your continued support. Sorry about the delays, I think we're through the scheduling issues and back on track.
[address removed]

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