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What we’re about

The Denver Investing Network Club was formed as a networking and education group for people interested in creative real estate investing as a means to creating high income and long-term wealth.
We aim to bring investors and aspiring investors together on a regular basis to learn how to achieve financial independence, time independence, and location independence. Our ultimate goal is to help others achieve independence of purpose, so they can live like a nomad, doing what they want, when they want, and where they want.

We welcome all kinds of investors; full-time or part-time, beginner or experienced. Our focus is on how to buy right, rent, and or sell real estate using traditional and creative financing.
Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, our meetups offer valuable insights, resources, and networking opportunities to help you achieve your real estate investment goals. Join us to expand your knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and grow your investment portfolio.
We truly believe that your network determines your net worth.  If you are an experienced investor we will take you to the next level, if you are an agent be prepared to learn new skills. Come Network with Investors, Brokers, Agents, Lenders, Joint Venture Partners, Money Partner, Wholesalers, Landlords, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.  Did we mention that we are in other states? Join our Virtual meetings and meet others across the Country!
Join the meetup, turn up at some of the events and meet some awesome people!
Contact me anytime for any reason.

Upcoming events (4)

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