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"Altered Spaces: Personal Sacred Space and Spiritual Tools" Class with Will Christy

From: Joy V.
Sent on: Sunday, May 1, 2016, 3:54 PM

Altered Spaces: Personal Sacred Space and Spiritual Tools with Will Christy


SUN 5/08


By Donation

at Goddess Isis Books & Gifts, 2775 S Broadway, Englewood, Colorado 80113

For more info, see the Isis Books calendar, call Isis Books at [masked], or join the event on Facebook.

What is a personal altar and what is it for…and what should I put on it and why? What are ritual tools and which ones do I need? These and other questions about Personal Altars and Spiritual Tools will be answered. Altered Spaces is a fun and informative hands on class that examines the creation of personal sacred space and the use of spiritual objects for meditation and ritual. Some of the topics that will be explored are Universal Archetypes and Synchronicity as well as practical matters of size and location. The class is taught by Will Christy a 2nd degree Wiccan Priest, who has engaged in ritual practice for over 30 years and is a professional intuitive reader, practicing publicly for over 15 years. Please bring paper and pen and an open mind.

For more info, see the Isis Books calendar, call Isis Books at [masked], or join the event on Facebook.

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