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The Evolutionary Journey Tarot by Richard Hartnett Now Available on Kickstarter!

From: Joy V.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 8:33 AM

The Evolutionary Journey Tarot Project

For over 25 years Richard Hartnett has worked on creating a new expanded Tarot deck. His goal is to produce this deck along with a companion book explaining the expansion. The deck is being illustrated by a team of world renowned Fantasy artists. This is a collaborative effort of five artists, each illustrating one suit.

The Major Arcana has six new cards that have been tested for practicality and relevance in any tarot reading. The new cards are based upon universal archetypes. This is not just another Tarot deck but a truly expanded Tarot creation.

Kickstarter funding will make it possible to pay the artists for their original artwork, print a substantial quantity of decks for the general public as well as produce the companion book.

Please support this wonderful deck by our very own DTM member and presenter, Richard Hartnett! You can find out more, see the video and more images, and reserve your deck on Kickstarter.

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