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What we’re about

Who we are
DevOps Manchester is a community of like-minded individuals that get together and talk about DevOps, whether it’s technical, social or cultural and regardless of industry.

What to expect
We aim to have 4 - 6 Meetups per year in central Manchester. Typically our events include a 45 minute talk or panel followed by 'lean coffee' style agenda-less discussions.

Food and drink are provided, usually by the host or a sponsor.

What we are not about
Recruitment, vendor pitches & knowledge declaration. The group will be a safe place to discuss experiences and ideas. With this in mind, we’d prefer no recruiters take part with the intent to source clients and that vendors don’t do pitches at our events.

Sponsors are of course welcome, but the notoriety and thanks are what we can offer.

Code of conduct
TL;DR: Be nice, understanding and helpful.

  1. I am an attendee at DevOps Manchester, learning from and sharing with other DevOps Manchester attendees in an effort to better myself and my industry. I co-create the experience with fellow attendees. I am prepared to give my energy, presence and sensitivity to creating the best possible experience for myself and others.
  2. I am coming to DevOps Manchester to interact with people. I understand that imagery and language which is suggestive or derogatory will offend and make people uncomfortable. I also understand that people may have boundaries and sensibilities different from my own. I will accept without question when informed that something is offensive or unacceptable in the context of the DevOps Manchester event.
  3. I will never intentionally harass or offend another attendee regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, size, race or religion and will not abide another attendee being harassed or offended. If I am aware that anyone is uncomfortable or unsafe, I will notify those giving offence and the DevOps Manchester event organisers.
  4. If I am offended or harassed, I will inform people around me who make me feel safe and the event organizers. If I feel safe, at my discretion, I will inform those giving offence of the specific actions with the hope that the other party is well-intentioned and ignorant, but I am under no obligation to do so.
  5. I understand that people are different and I attempt to be forgiving of others actions at the level of their sincere intent, but my priority is protecting my safety and the safety of others. I will act without hesitation or reservation until there is no question of the safety of all parties.
  6. I trust the DevOps Manchester organisers and attendees will co-create the best possible experience for everyone involved, as I will.

Talk guidelines
Talks that tell a story are often the most popular, so please share your experiences and encourage discussion.