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What we’re about

Holistic Healing for Body, Spirit & Soul

After more than 15 years of practicing energy work, educations in spritual practice and mind-expanding experiences, i share my comprehensive knowledge through talks, seminars, spiritual journeys and individual spiritual healings.

I am an adviser and trainer for energy work and (raw) diet. My focus in energy work are on the ability to see the Aura, healing Auras, especially lucide dreams and astral projections (OBE) and Darkness Retreats. I´m a trained Reiki teacher and i had also studied indian healing techniques during my long-term stays in India. I reguarly organize spiritual tours to India as well as seminars about raw diet. Further areas of my energy work are Bach flowers, Hellinger's family constellations, and working with angels. For a long time I also studied “Holistic Healing System,“ the impressive healing method developed by the Filipino healer Mauro Ambat, different meditation techniques, vedic knowledge and vaastu (indian form of Feng-Shui).

This group is for everyone who feels spoken to and is interested in energy work, open mind experiences and holistic healing for body, spirit & soul!

You can ask for distant healing in this group also as suggest a meetup! You will be reguarly informed about upcoming events, seminars and talks by me.

Further information about me: