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JVM experiences on ARM

From: Toby C.
Sent on: Friday, 14 February 2014, 11:36 am

I've only had limited experience of using the JVM on ARM-based machines - just playing around on the raspberry pi, beaglebone, and just recently, the radxa rock.

They all were running the 'armhf' ABI for Linux, and at the times I checked, the only JREs available were based on openjdk - I couldn't get the oracle jre to work. (But this may have changed by now)

I've tried using the default "Zero" VM, as well as JamVM and Avian. JamVM was always the fastest to start up, but I think it's an interpreted-only VM, so it ended up being slower in the long run. Zero always ended up with the best performance.

But by "best" I mean.. least atrocious. The only ARM platform that was usable, out of the ones I listed above, was the Radxa Rock - probably because it's a quad-core 1.6 ghz board. Running anything on the Pi was an exercise in patience.

But I confess I don't have much knowledge of the best way to make this work.
Can anyone else offer advice on getting decent performance from the jvm on arm?

Is the Oracle JRE really worth the effort to get setup?


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