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Reminder: May meetup this Wednesday night

From: Arjen S.
Sent on: Monday, 27 May 2019, 12:32 pm

Hi everyone,

Considering that the RSVPs are full, it looks like everyone is aware of Wednesday's meetup. But I'll remind you of it anyway as well as point out that there will be a livestream available (unfortunately Rob is on holiday, so it won't look quite as professional as usual). Also, if you RSVP'd but something has come up, please make sure to update your RSVP so someone on the waitlist will be able to come.

Aside from our usual program regarding news and events, we've got two great subjects and wonderful speakers. First up will be Dale Salter from our silver sponsor A Cloud Guru talking about "Maximising writes into DynamoDB with Lambda". This will be followed by Amrith Raj Radhakrishnan with "Patching Immutable and in-place EC2 instances using Step functions and AWS Systems Manager".

Personally I'm very much looking forward to these talks and we hope to see many of you in person, or on the livestream. Of course, if you can't do either, as with the other talks from this year, these talks will be available afterwards on our website and YouTube channel.

See you Wednesday!

Arjen, Chris, and Rob
