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August Meetup - Call for Speakers!

From: Rob A.
Sent on: Monday, 19 August 2019, 10:06 am

Hi all!

We're on the lookout for speakers this month! For the first time in a while we don't have any presentations booked yet, so if you're interested in speaking about your experiences or an area of expertise get in touch:

First time speakers are welcome! You don't need to have a full presentation deck and "interesting" topic to speak about – some of the most interesting presentations we've seen are basically "here is a cool tool or trick I found". If you have an idea and are unsure reach out to @bok on Slack or email [address removed].

If course, if you can't make August but have an idea for September or later in the year we would love to hear from you as well!

Rob, Chris and Arjen

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