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New Meetup: Manicures and Margaritas!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 9:50 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Green Adventures (environment based happy hour and kayak)!

What: Manicures and Margaritas!

When: September 19,[masked]:00 PM

4238 Wilson Blvd. Space 1132
Arlington, VA 22203

Get a new style and come sport it at happy hour with the crew!

Yalda Salon and Chevy's Mexican Grill are sponsoring this event. Chevy's will provide $1 margaritas and free sample platters starting at 6pm on Saturday the 19th just for us. Yalda offers the following specials all day on the same day.

Call Yalda Salon to schedule, book early so that you don't get left out.
Yalda Telephone:[masked]

<-- Link to coupons provided shortly, they will also be available at the Salon.

Men's Haircut $20
Manicure $15
Manicure / Pedicure (both) $35
Women's Haircut $40
Complete Waxing Service 20% off
Full Set Nails $30

Yalda Salon and Chevy's are both located in Ballston Mall on the ground floor. Parking is $1 for the first 3 hours and it is conveniently located 2 blocks from Ballston Metro in Arlington, Va. Orange Line.

Learn more here: