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Solar Installation Engineer – SJ

From: Peter C.
Sent on: Saturday, July 27, 2013, 2:23 PM


Solar Installation Engineer – SJ   26 July 13


Solar Installation Engineer needed in the South Bay to help start a pilot “organic” Aquaponics project. Once the “pilot project” is proven, the operation will be duplicated & expanded in the Philippines, to provide food for the local people at a lower cost and help raise their nutrition level.


Project is to raise Tilapia fish & Vegetables in a single Tank as a closed-cycle system. Water continually circulates and Fish excrement provides nutrient for the plant – which provide Oxygen for the Fish. We anticipate that 3 tanks will be use for the Fish & Veggies and the 4th tank will be use to grow Duckweed – which grows rapidly and is the only feed that the fish will need.


Client has:

6 Evergreen Solar Model # EC-120-GL           [120 Watts each] Used
4 x 45 gallon Tanks


Client needs help to specify & buy: Power Inverters for the Solar panels

Charge Controller & Water Pumps

Deep Cycle Batteries


Compensation:  Since this is a low-budget “pilot project”, can you consider a partial payment during the set-up and the balance of your fees when the project starts to make some money?


Apply by sending a Resume to [address removed]  Only local specialists will be considered. If interested, we will contact you to setup a Site Visit, so you can determine cost of project & what your Fees would be.


Thanks for your consideration. You will be providing a good service to us - in our quest to help the people of the Philippines.


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