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What we’re about

MCANC is a resource for Morris County, NJ for residents & neighbors that organizes/networks to responsibly, sensibly, & compassionately protect animals and nature. We reach out to one another when we are in need of advice, resources, information and/or assistance when faced with any animal or nature concerns. Please join us now on facebook at 
We are still trying to save a local Rank 4 Endangered Species forest, continually working on spaying/neutering homeless cats (no kill) & adopting out the kittens, and sometimes post Sierra Club events here on the site. You are invited to join us. This is an OPTIMISTIC, yet realistic, effective and intelligent group that I founded a few years ago. We MUST always be diplomatic, conscientious, caring & professional with one another as well as the rest of the community. Although we cover several issues, if we are organized and willing to learn from and help each other, we can continue our incredible accomplishments.
I now live in LA & I'm happy to see my group active again. While I do what I can when I can from out here for the group, I'd like to soon see an optimistic, caring and responsible new organizer who cares about BOTH protecting nature (aka animal habitats) AND preventing the harm of cats and dogs in shelters and on the streets (not killing them) come to step in and take over my place. Please keep in mind that I'm very, very busy & organize other groups as well... Thanks! Jackie : ) PS: If you want to post a related event, you may join & request to become an Assistant Organizer. Doing so gives you the technical ability to post it yourself. You can step down with a click of your mouse at any time.