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What we’re about

Meet designers, grow your network, and build design skills at in-person events and in our online community. Open to everyone interested in learning more about Figma; advanced practitioners, aspiring designers and developers, and creatives of all types.



Figma is a new way for collaborating around design that brings everyone and everything into one place in the browser to help you solve problems together — no software or sync required. One single, live URL ensures multiple people can work at the same time and everyone always has the latest version.

Figma has simplified the design process for teams of designers, developers, product managers, marketers and others at thousands of companies like Microsoft, Slack, GitHub, and Uber.



Figma Singapore is organised by Shen and Zoey, as a way to bring folks together for sharing sessions, to discuss topics related to Figma and the field of product design, to learn from each other and grow our community together.

Shen and Zoey were previously colleagues at a startup called migme. Shen is currently Head of UX & Design at Rakuten Viki and has been working in UX for more than 10+ years across several countries.

Zoey is joining GoBear as a product designer in April and has been in multiple startups at different stages ever since she started her career in product design.

Some of the topics we are planning for future meetups:

Design System - Using Figma Library

Prototyping - Better communication with stakeholders using Figma

Version Control - Version History in Figma

Handoff - Code & Figma API


If you're interested in hosting an event, join us as co-organiser or just have feedback or a topic you'd like us to address, feel free to reach out to Zoey at