What we’re about
Films@Facets Movie MeetUp Club is for... Cinephiles who know that supporting a 40-year old Chicago cultural treasure called Facets Multimedia is an important civic duty; public radio fans who love Milos Stehlik (he founded Facets in 1975!); people who know that Charles Coleman is the finest independent film programmer in the City; those who need serious cinematic engagement more than artisanal movie snacks or a La-Z-Boy style theater seat; persons who recognize that the 2011 film Ano Bisiesto (Leap Year) should have been honored instead of a pitiful 2015 pseudo porn flick called 50 Shades of Grey; cinematic super fans who happily missed the Cubs game tonight to hear the legendary Agnes Varda speak at the Logan Center at UC; intelligent-minded movie lovers who want to revive the lost art of live conversation by gathering monthly to watch a film at Facets and discuss it afterward at a local bar/eatery.