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Let’s Dance! 30 min Feel Great Women 40+

Photo of Chel Michele
Hosted By
Chel Michele .
 Let’s Dance!   30 min     Feel Great      Women 40+


Let’s Dance! - 30 min - Feel Great - Women 40+ -

Celebrate the weekend is soon here!

Shake off the past week.

Free your body and spirit.

Do this for yourself - So easy and goes by fast!

Dance standing or sitting!

If you feel shy aim it at the ceiling or the wall to dance off screen. This means your video is still On but you are not visible dancing.

So ie Camera On you, or Not On you, but leave your camera On please.

More comfortable this way for all of us.


Music is a mix of Dance Beats now using Youtube or someone’s computer as available!

In the past we have had theme’s like: Christmas Rock, MoTown for Juneteenth, Salsa for May 5, Eighties, Seventies, September: Earth Wind & Fire (minus a bummer drummer), Beach music, Disco…

Always interested in your music suggestions! My goal is to have mild or P.C. lyrics, women empowering, and uplifting songs - exceptions for most popular music.

There has been a rare occasion in the past year (2 - 3 times) where an appointment/urgent something interferes with me coming - if this happens the first person on can start the screen share or they can re load their page and then next person on has the screen share for playing music… Every time, still, we chat, share ideas, and catch up with a special group of women who drop in.

So ultimately one thing to know:


If you move you as it feels *comfortable* for you - hydrate

  • smile (if even though…)
  • you will feel better if not * Great * afterwards!


Photo of Finding Female Friends >50® (National) group
Finding Female Friends >50® (National)
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