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Re: [FoFDallas] DFWCoR Needs Your Help!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, December 26, 2011, 1:20 PM
Amazing! I'm currently unemployed, otherwise I would not hesitate to make the contribution!

From: Zachary Moore <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, December 26,[masked]:19 PM
Subject: [FoFDallas] DFWCoR Needs Your Help!

Fellow Freethinkers-
Thanks to all who have supported the DFWCoR’s latest fundraising drive! Your financial help is essential to give messages like these a prominent spotlight here in North Texas!
As previously detailed, the DFWCoR is planning a multi-tier multimedia campaign, scheduled to launch in Spring of 2012. Our plan is to combine a billboardmovie theater advertising, and a new website promoting the idea that "Our Families are Great Without God."
Despite the generosity of many in the DFWCoR, we still have a significant financial gap to cover to make our campaign launch on time. Here are our needs:
"Top 20" Supporters: We need 13 more people willing to contribute $100 each (or more), to support the cost of a billboard advertisement.
"Showtime" Supporters: We need at least 180 more people willing to contribute $10 each (or more), to support the cost of movie theater advertising.
All donations will be processed by the Metroplex Atheists, where they will be tax-deductible for 2011 if received by the end of the year. Don't miss this opportunity to get a tax benefit for supporting the cause of nontheist acceptance in Rick Perry's Texas!
Checks can be mailed to:
Metroplex Atheists
P.O. Box[masked]
Arlington, TX 76012
And online donations will be handled by Paypal here:
Thanks so much for your special support of the DFWCoR during this season of generosity!
Zachary Moore, PhD
Dallas/Fort Worth Coalition of Reason
[address removed]

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