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Announcing the North Texas Secular Student Convention!

From: Zachary
Sent on: Sunday, February 26, 2012, 9:36 PM
I'm pleased to announce, on behalf of the Secular Student Alliance and the DFWCoR, a brand new student-organized convention right here in DFW!

The North Texas Secular Student Convention will be held on Saturday, April 14th starting at 9:00AM until 9:00PM at the Preston Ridge Campus of Collin College, right here in Frisco, Texas.

The speaker lineup will be phenomenal for a regional convention- featuring Hemant Mehta the "Friendly Atheist," as well as historian David Fitzgerald, the ever-popular Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist, and local secular hero Damon Fowler.

In addition, you'll be able to see the SSA's JT Eberhard and Texas' own Matt Dillahunty mix it up in a four-way debate against two local Christians, apologist John Ferrer and philosopher Sloan Lee.

Tickets are on sale NOW, with general admission of only $20, and SSA members get in FREE! Grab your tickets here and mark your calendars!

Zachary Moore, PhD
Executive Director
Fellowship of Freethought Dallas
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