- A11y Broke My Build + 10 Reasons Your App Isn't Accessible + A11y AnnotationVariant, Oslo
This is an inclusive event, be friendly!
If you feel unsafe or harassed, or observe anyone breaching our Code of Conduct - please contact Kristoffer Nordström in-person at the event or at kn@variant.no.Agenda
08:10 Doors open, grab some breakfast, find your seat 🥯08:30 A11y Broke My Build by Kristoffer Nordström @ Variant
Accessibility is often an afterthought, something done manual and late in the development cycle. But I made accessibility break my build and now I will help you break yours! Time to shift accessibility left, add automatic testing that can run in all development steps, catch errors and make the feedback loop as short as possible.This is not your average dry accessibility talk with long WCAG check lists, but will use lots of humor and live coding to get the audience engaged and get the value out of using accessibility tooling.
08:45 Ten Reasons Your Application Isn't Accessible and What You Can Do About It by Elise Kristiansen @ Aplia
The WCAG standard has been around for over 20 years, and it has been a legal requirement to build websites that meets the standards in universal design in Norway for several years already. However, new websites that fail to meet these requirements continue to emerge, unintentionally excluding people from the digital society.In this lightning talks, you'll become aware of some typical reasons and learn what you can do to address them.
09:00 A11y Annotation: Preparing Designs for Dev with Accessibility in Mind by Christina Røise @ Variant
Accessibility is about more than just colors and contrast—it's about making sure every user can interact with our application. So let's go beyond the basics to explore how developers can enhance designs with a11y annotations, ensuring that every element is accessible. We'll focus on a dynamic form design, we'll discuss how to identify and implement the right accessibility features, making our design truly inclusive and development-ready.09:30 Back to work 🏃
Content by Aplia & Variant.
Food & venue by Variant.Aplia er et norsk teknologiselskap som spesialiserer seg på å levere skreddersydde digitale løsninger. Selskapet tilbyr et bredt spekter av tjenester innen utvikling av nettsider, web- og mobilapplikasjoner, netthandel, systemutvikling, og integrasjoner. Aplia kombinerer ekspertise innen teknologi, design, og prosjektledelse for å hjelpe bedrifter med å bygge sterke digitale tilstedeværelser og forbedre effektiviteten gjennom innovative IT-løsninger.
De leverer skalerbare og sikre løsninger som er tilpasset kundens spesifikke behov, og deres tjenester inkluderer alt fra utvikling av avanserte webapplikasjoner til rådgivning om digital strategi og implementering av kunstig intelligens. Aplia har også fokus på å hjelpe bedrifter med å navigere den digitale transformasjonen ved å tilby ekspertise innen blant annet DevOps og skytjenester.
Variant er en variant av et konsulentselskap som er raust, åpent og læreglad.
You are welcome, velkommen 🤗