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Two great shows coming up besides us

From: Paul C.
Sent on: Monday, April 20, 2015, 7:52 PM

If you're in the mood for great stories but don't want to squeeze in to Roy Street Coffee this Thursday there is a wonderful show happening tomorrow night at the Theater Off Jackson.

Seven storytellers  (including four regular tellers from Fresh Ground Stories) will be performing at A Guide To Visitors. The theme is “The End of the Tunnel — Stories of Dark Times.”

Sounds juicy, right? I think it's awesome that so many FGS tellers have gotten to work with AGTV where they get to expand their stories beyond the skimpy eight minutes I give them.

Go to for tickets.

Also, if anyone is interested in hearing me tell a story I'll be at the Jewelbox on June 7 with a bunch of other FGS regulars. Our first show on April 30 sold out so we added a second show in June. Not only do you get a bunch of great stories but there will be musicians playing between each of the stories. I've always wanted to combine music and storytelling and I'm excited I get to be a part of this.

Here's the link for tickets:

Ok, I've done my best to whet your appetite for stories. I hope a bunch of you come out this Thursday with stories of your own to tell but if you're worried about parking or sitting close to others then AGTV on Tuesday and the Jewelbox show on June 7 are great alternatives.


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