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What we’re about

This is a Private Group.

Joining our Group is FREE. Effective January 2021, we will be extending exclusive discounted Membership rates to Meetup Group Members. You'll have complete access to private GROUP COACHING SESSIONS via Zoom calls with limited seating, and the opportunity to join our brand new Facebook VIP Group <br> <br>Stay tuned for more details prior to January 2021. In the meantime, take advantage of our Meetup events at no cost during the pandemic until the end of 2020!

Hope, Healing and Transformation through meetups.

My name is Ceil. I’m the Founder and CEO of a wide variety of life coaching programs in Irvine, CA. I’ve been a corporate trainer coaching and mentoring Fortune 100 leaders and their staff for 3 decades.

I organized this Meetup to demystify what coaching is so that you can experience its LIFE-CHANGING BENEFITS in a group setting. Safely.

Put simply, I teach you new skills to effectively get your inner MoJo back, regardless of how your toxic relationship damaged your self-esteem, your self-confidence, your personal boundaries, and your life.

Our Members are made up of people from all walks of life...from business owners, engineers, physicians, CEOs, consultants, nurses, attorneys, students, retirees, seasoned single parents, to brand new parents and empty nesters, who are separated, divorced, thinking about leaving or are still miserable in their relationship.

They are intelligent people who find themselves REPEATEDLY getting sucked up and drained by damaging, toxic relationships.

Before the pandemic, our Meetups were made up of a healthy cocktail of life-changing mini classes over (weekday or weekend) brunches, lunches or dinners, discount movie nights and our popular “Sushi Nights”.

I will, at times, cross promote events to enhance and expand each Member’s social experience.

What kinds of topics do we talk about? Here’s a teeny weeny small sample, but go check out our PAST events to get a tastier flavor of what our Members enjoy.

🔹Recognizing Blame-Shifters Who Don't Take Responsibility for their Mistakes

🔹The Narcissistic Boss, Sister, Parent, Partner

🔹Bullying Leaders, Customers, Partners, Landlords, Sales People, Adult Children, etc

🔹How I Choose To Transform My Views On Love, Intimacy and Dating

🔹Identifying Partners Who Project Their Insecurities and Fears

🔹Cheaters Who Accuse You of Infidelity

🔹How To Move On From a Nasty Breakup

🔹Destructive Relationships That Deplete The Life Out of You

🔹Swiping and Other New Online Dating Trends

🔹Friends With Selfish Benefits

🔹How To Keep The Spark and Intimacy In Relationships

🔹Roommates or Lovers...Avoiding The Traps <br>▫️

Join us. <br>

Every Meetup will replenish you. Walk away encouraged, motivated or inspired. Your new awareness will compel you to recreate your old self, a reinvention of sorts towards a happier, healthier emotional, mental and physical lifestyle. <br>▫️

If you live or work in #OrangeCounty, this Group is for you.

We have 2 simple requirements.

1. A profile photo of current self is required.

2. A commitment to empower and grow as a human being

WELCOME! We can't wait to meet you!


"I choose to surround myself with people who will help me achieve my goals and redirect my energy from people who drag me down."

-Ceil TheDeal, Meetup Organizer

WAIVER OF LIABILITY: All Meetup events on Meetup involve certain risks that include, but are not limited to unexpected restaurant food poisoning, tripping and falling injuries, drowning, vehicle injuries on your way to or coming from our Meetups, etc.

🕺💃🏻 By signing up for any event or activity offered by this Meetup group, you assume the risks of the event or activity and agree to release the group and its event hosts, organizers and leaders from any claims for any injuries or other losses that you may sustain while participating in the events and activities.

💰 This Meetup Group’s annual dues ($200+/year) and all event assets used during our Meetups is paid for singlehandedly by your Organizer.

💰 SPONSORS: We are not a B2C or B2B networking leads group. As much as we are entrepreneur-friendly, our Group does not encourage underhandedly selling your products, promoting your business, pushing your services and profiting from our Group Membership.

Conducting your own sales and marketing propaganda behind your Organizers’ back and without your Organizers’ knowledge or consent is unethical. You will be asked to leave the event, your Membership terminated and your profile will be blocked.

💰 WE INVITE EXPERTS: Our Meetup Group is open to collaboratively working with you via Meetup Sponsorships. Ask your Meetup Organizer about month-to-month, 6 and 12 month Sponsorship Marketing Packages, including Guest Speaking opportunities. You will be allowed to delve deep on the substance of your book by showcasing your expertise on stage to help your target psychographics and educate your market demographics. It’s a Win-Win for all. Your Organizer will help you get your message to your audience through our Mindful Messages Program that will keep our Meetup events free to Members who are here to learn from your extensive knowledge and experience.

🤳: We are a social group and we love to memorialize our experiences with you through pictures. Say “Cheese!” Post your pics on our private Meetup site to encourage shy members to join us.

See you soon!

Ceil <br>Organizer <br>FROM BROKEN TO SMOKIN’ Events