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GAPCG booths at Suwanee Day event this Sat. 9/17/11

From: Connie C.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 4:18 PM

Come out and see the Greater Atlanta Polymer Clay Guild booths at the Suwanee Day event held in the Suwanee community park at the intersection of Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd and Duluth Hwy with craft vendor booths open 10am-5pm. We will have a double booth with one part containing items for sale & display and the other part being for free hands on demos to the public as part of our education on the wonders of polymer clay to the general public. We hope to have adults and children participate and will have a toaster oven so participants can take your baked polymer clay masterpiece with them.

Come join the fun and and entertainment at Suwanee Day.  There will also be food, entertainment, and finishing the event a fireworks display that evening.

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