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What we’re about

Welcome to "Honour Your Gentleness and Sensitivity"!

This group is a sanctuary for gentle souls who seek to manage their sensitivity more effectively and rediscover their strengths, so they can thrive with more joy. With our world becoming more volatile and polarized, it is vital for us gentle sensitives to keep reconnecting to ourselves and feel safe to keep co-creating the lives we truly want for ourselves.

Here, we come together as a community of kindred spirits, each on our own unique journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Our aim is to create a space where we can explore, learn, and grow together, guided by the gentle embrace of our shared sensitivity.

I am Bingz - Gentle Empowerment Coach, Mom of three young sons, and a passionate dancer and writer. Being a new mom made me realize I could no longer deny my sensitivity. I was drowning in it, always oscillating between being hyperalert to my baby's rollercoaster of emotions or trying to numb myself at the expense of losing my innate ability for joy.

Can you relate to numbing your sensitivity or letting it overrun your life?

Making efforts to understand, appreciate, and manage my sensitivity has led me to focus on one word that guides me through all aspects of my life - Gentleness. I need to be gentler with myself, my family & friends, mentors and clients. I don't need to tolerate any unnecessary harshness in my life.

This felt like such an important topic that I couldn't find in books, so I wrote a book about it, titled: Empower Your Life with Gentleness: A Simple Guide to Feeling Safe and Free to Be You. Over the past few years, I feel blessed to have found the right communities and modalities (Human Design, MAP Method(TM), flow arts and journaling) to nourish and nurture me, so I can take care of my energetic needs and shine more brightly with joy.

I would love to share what I know with you and offer safe group experiences where we can all contribute to share beautiful AHA insights and feel seen and heard.

Whether you identify as an HSP, empath, or intuitive, our group welcomes you with open arms. Together, let's embrace the joy of honouring our true selves! 😊