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What we’re about

  • How do I get the altitude from this lat/lon?

  • How can I access my maps offline?

  • What is the best way to integrate to my enterprise ESRI-based GIS?

  • How do I create my own web enabled map tiles?

  • How geocoding/reverse geocoding works or what apis to use to accomplish this

  • Writing a location-enabled iOS/Android apps 

  • Wondering about Google Maps, Google Earth, Bing Maps, MapQuest, etc

  • Open Source geo-options 

  • Traditional geo-options (Oracle Spatial, MSSQL Spatial, ESRI's ArcGIS, etc) 

  • Spatially-enabled backends 

  • Mapping technologies

  • New libraries/datasets/apis in the geo-space, etc

  • Cool things you can do with OpenStreetMap

  • Building hardware sensors to capture/process geodata

  • OpenCV geo experiments

  • How to build a realtime tracking application

  • Anything else related to geo!

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