What we’re about
This group is for people who do not have a 'significant other' to socialize with, but want to get out, meet people, make friends, and do fun things with others. This is not a couples group.
Please do not bring guess unless it is noted that you can do so. This creates an issue with seating. If your friend would like to come have them join the group and RSVP.
We schedule regular social events that are fun and relaxing with a focus on social interaction - laughing, talking, eating, drinking, listening to live music, dancing, and more.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Back to Cana Valley Winery!(Joint meetup with Wine & Fun)Cana Valley Winery, Atwater, OH
Join us at Cana Valley Winery for a chance to have some fun outside with good friends and good wine. The 'no couples' rule is suspended for this event because I (BobR) am now married and I am hosting this event!
Please bring a lawn chair and food to share. I will provide paper plates and plasticware. The winery does not sell food.
I will build a bonfire. It will most likely be cool. We can make s'mores if someone wants to brings the ingredients. There will be music.
If the weather does not cooperate, we will be inside. The winery has a rule that all customers occupying a seat inside must purchase and be drinking wine.
Cana Valley Winery has a good selection of classic style wines as well as awesome creative fruit infused wines. The best way to show our appreciation is to purchase a couple extra bottles (or a case!) of their wine to take home with you. You can check out the wine selection at canavalleywinery.com
Please remember:
- It is a violation of Ohio Revised Code to bring your own alcoholic beverages of any type onto the property. Violations will cause the winery to lose their license.
- The establishment reserves the right to inspect any beverage or coolers and will ask any violators to leave the premises immediately.