What we’re about
This group is for native speakers of either Japanese or English who want to practice speaking the other language. At our meetups, which will take place in Hamilton, we will have conversations on various interesting topics as a large group and/or in smaller groups, depending on how many people attend. Equal time will be given to speaking in each language, and there will be mechanisms in place for people to get feedback and corrections on their target language if they want it. All levels are welcome!
I started this group so that I could practice and keep my Japanese skill up now that I'm back in Canada, but I'm also hoping to meet some cool people and have a few laughs. Whether you're studying hard or just want casual practice, this group is designed to help you. (But please keep in mind that I expect everyone who joins to be at least a little serious about practicing their target language; this is not a singles' group for meeting prospective girlfriends or boyfriends.)