What we’re about
This group is for people who are generally happy people but still suffer with depression. It is easy to hide behind a smile and sweep our emotions under the rug. But that is not good for our mental well-being and it isn't good for the people around us.
I have come to the realization that I suffer from bouts of depression a few times during the year, even when my life seems perfect on the outside. I want to find out why. This meetup provides a safe place to share our stories and how we feel in an atmosphere where others understand our pain/suffering.
From my personal experience and observation, people with 'happy' or 'normal' lives on the surface feel obligated to hide their depression for fear of being judged due to the heavy stigma associated with depression. It's almost like living two lives: the life others see, and the life that we see. I believe if we can be here to support each other and start talking about this more openly, we can make a difference in our lives and the people's lives around us.
This group is not a substitution for seeking professional assistance. It is a peaceful and friendly place to meet and discuss openly how we truly are feeling.
Logan - Group Founder