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State Game Commission Meeting 8:30AM this morning

From: Dave G.
Sent on: Thursday, August 27, 2015, 6:14 AM

Hello all,

Sorry for the late notice.
Tthere is a meeting of the New Mexico State Game Commission at
- 8:30 AM today
- Santa Fe Community College - Jemez Room.

The New Mexico Department of Game & Fish is recommending the
following game management changes, as part of its 2015 review of the state
Bear & Cougar Rule:

a) allowing cougar trapping using leghold traps and snares on state trust lands;
b) removing the permit requirement for private landowners to use traps or snares
on cougar, and;
c) allowing one person to kill up to four cougars a year.
There are also pretty harsh changes for bears.

Apparently, there is no scientific basis to support these changes and there
is good reason this could have a significant negative impact on their

Since the animals can't attend the hearing to discuss this,
you might want to.

+++ Dave
Santa Fe Hiking Meetup

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