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What we’re about

The problem we'll address- 
Modernity's powerful critique has undermined earlier systems of meaning, such as religion and tradition. But ushered in only market values and hyper individualism to replace them. This leaves many people feeling insecure, unfulfilled, and cut off from a sense of community.

The human hearted solution -
Human heartedness offers a secular path to building meaning and community that does not depend on reviving religion, or combative ideologies like nationalism. Contemporary science confirms we have evolved as social creatures who thrive and flourish through building positive social connections, such as those based on friendship and love. I call approaches to life based on cultivating our prosocial human potential ‘human hearted’ in the metaphorical sense that such prosocial qualities as sympathy, compassion and love come from our evolved human capacity. Our own human hearts offer the best solution to the existential emptiness of modernity. Self consciously choosing to cultivate the best of our human social potential by building positive supportive relations with others is the best available solution.

The goals of the group -
To provide a sense of community for people who want to live more fulfilling and ethical lives through their commitment to cultivating the best of their human heart. While adherents of most belief systems usually have access to community groups that offer support and information there is no specific community group that offers moral support for people who have chosen human heartedness. In practice it can be difficult to assert or explore one’s beliefs when you are in complete isolation. This group will support people choosing human heartedness to develop a sense of community, seek the advice and support of others, develop some group projects, and basically help group members realize they are not alone.

Who this group is for - 
The group is for people who have committed, or want to explore deciding to commit, to a more human hearted life. And who feel they will benefit from doing so as part of a community of people with similar goals.

Who am I ? 
I'm a former voluntary Humanist Chaplain and former President of the Council of Australian Humanist Societies, and have a lot of experience in organizing community groups. I have found many humanist groups to me more focussed on criticizing religion and less focussed on developing a more human hearted community. So I'm proposing this group for people who want something more focussed on human heartedness. Here is a link to an article about the general idea of human heartedness. Of course, while I'm proposing this group, I'm certainly not an ideal model of human heartedness myself ! The goal is more about mutual support along the path than claiming to have all the answers.

Plans for the next step -
Once this group has a few members I’ll organize a first meeting., and we'll take it from there. Please feel free to message me through meetup with any queries if you feel somewhat interested but not sure about whether attending would be good for you.