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What weā€™re about

IANDS Maui supports Near-Death Experiencers, (NDE'rs) those that have had other Spiritually Transformative Experiences, their loved ones, and all interested others in a safe non-judgmental environment. We are part of Hawaiian IANDS and an affiliated group of International Association for Near-Death Studies. (IANDS)

IANDS Maui's mission is to share the hope and wisdom of Near-Death Experiences, (NDE's) other Spiritually Transformative Experiences with each other and the local community and to give others the gift of understanding that we continue to exist beyond death.

Spiritually Transformative Experiences* include, but are not limited to the following:
āš”Near-Death Experiences*
āš”Other death-related experiences such as deathbed visions, deathwatch experiences/shared-death experiences (in which one has a spiritual experience when another person dies), and After-Death Communications
āš”Mystical experiences
āš”Diverse psychic or intuitive experiences, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, out-of-body experiences, past-life recall, mediumship, channeling, and moreā€¦
āš”Spiritual energy and/or Kundalini Awakening
āš”Inspired creativity
āš”Spiritual Emergency

We offer a safe place for experiencers to come and tell their stories as well as offer education about near-death experiences.

We host a variety of meetings with inspiring speakers, fascinating video screenings, intimate sharing groups as well as discussions with experiencers.

IANDS Maui is part of Hawaiian IANDS

IANDS Maui / Hawaiian IANDS presents amazing speakers who share their wisdom on Zoom on the First Tuesday of every month at 3:00 pm HST

IANDS Maui / Hawaiian IANDS Experiencers Sharing Group is a safe space for those who have had transformational experiences to share, listen, and learn.
We meet on the Third Tuesday of every month at 3:00 pm HST

We are also affiliated with and co-facilitate ISGO Experiencers and Sharing Groups, ( ), as well as SAI Experiencers Sharing Groups, (

We are affiliated with several organizations yet completely independent.
Some of those organizations are:
International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS)
Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI)

For more info
āœØAs always, always this is a FREE event, however, donations of any amount are always appreciated.
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