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Fwd: [knitting-1626] need two teachers

From: lauren s.
送信済み 2010年1月10日日曜日 18:09
Hello Philosophers.
If you all ever want a meeting place that is not a smokey bar or
restaurant, we are happy to have you use our THS venue.

Very comfy, 8 mins for shirokanedai station, venue fee is 500 yen per
person for a 2-3 hour session. You are welcome to try a meeting here
and see how you like it. We provide free coffee or tea, everything is
is BYOB snacks, wine whatever? There is a pretty garden, nice
comfortable lounge room. music etc.
Miki knows the house so she can tell you how nice it is.

Anyway just an offer!
someday I really want to come to one of your meetings

-Lauren Shannon

We LOVE Food and Wine!

Try my catering company at

and our new wine bar at­m

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We LOVE Food and Wine!

Try my catering company at

and our new wine bar at­m