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New Meetup: January meeting -- Tokyo Socrates Cafe

From: user 3.
送信済み 2010年1月12日火曜日 15:26
Announcing a new Meetup for Socrates Cafe Tokyo Meetup Group!

What: January meeting -- Tokyo Socrates Cafe

When: Sunday, January 31,[masked]:00 PM

Gonpachi, Shibuya
14F. E.Space Tower 3-6 Maruyama-cho

The main topic for this month's meetup is animal rights; however, the meeting will be dealt with in two parts and will be a special 3-hour meetup to give the subject as much time as possible.

We'll spend the time between 2pm and 3pm discussing human rights. Then, we'll have a short break before moving on to the main show discussing animal rights.

The person who suggested this topic as well as the organizers felt that in order to delve into animal rights (the main topic), human rights needed to be addressed as well.

As always, if there are more than 10 people, we'll split into smaller groups.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please try to be at this special 3-hour meeting ON TIME. If you think you won't be able to make it until well after that, please consider just meeting us at Hemel (the Belgian beer bar) from about 5pm onwards.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation so that we can all enjoy these monthly get-togethers. -The Organizers

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