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Pictures and Notes from Renzo's

From: Ka-Ray-oke with R.
Sent on: Friday, March 11, 2016, 12:25 PM


I would like to thank everyone for another special night of Ka-Ray-Oke last night at Renzo's! Simple words cannot explain last night! We had 39 singers in all total and well over 75 people who came to hear us! But the show over the past few months has been magical especially last night! I would like to send special thanks out to Mr. Jimmy Russo formally of the Dupress;, Joey Dale came by did a number "Just A Gigolo" and brought along the Tune Weavers (Happy Happy Birthday Baby) I am truly blessed to have one of the best Karaoke singing groups in the country. We frequently have local area professionals come by and sing at our shows! Something very if any KJ's anywhere can say! We are not just your run of the mill Karaoke Group. I have also just done some research and spoke with Debbie Rose one of assistant organizers in our meetup group. We have been with Renzo since Late January of 2008 which is just before my mother passed away. It it amazing how time flies! The show just keep getting better all the time! I would also like to thank Tim on of our other meetup assistant organizer who came by and took a lot of pictures and took some pressure off me! It was a fantastic night! Thank you one and all!




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