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Karaoke Sunday Night featuring

From: Ka-Ray-oke with R.
Sent on: Sunday, August 21, 2016, 8:08 AM

Don't forget we have another great show at Boca Resto tonight at 6PM! Sunday nights now feature Wheel of Fortune! Every hour we will draw for for drink ticket prizes and gift certificates!

This Sunday Night we will be at Boca Resto of Boca Raton! 3360 N. Federal Hwy, Boca Raton , FL (561)[masked]

This Sunday Night we will be at the new Boca Resto!  Boca Resto will be featuring $6 Top Shelf Drinks including Grey Goose, Patron and Crown. There will also be Beer, Wine and Food Specials all night! inside and outside seating available! Plus Special Boca Resto Gift Prizes given out at every show! We start at 6:00 PM (Show Start date is 03/15/2016)