What we’re about
Welcome to our Integral New York / Ken Wilber meetup group, aka the Integral New York City Salon. Please join us in exploring Integral theory, as articulated by Ken Wilber and other Integralists. Each month we come together to deepen our understanding of Integral theory and practice authentic expression of Integral concepts, as related to issues in our own lives, the world at large, and the Kosmos. It is recommended that you RSVP in advance.
In addition to http://www.meetup.com/kenwilber-58, you can also find us and interact with the community on Facebook at Integral New York. If you would like to email the leadership team of Integral New York directly with comments or questions, please contact us at IntegralNewYork@gmail.com. We also maintain a website and mailing list at http://www.integralnewyork.com/.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and hope you will find our discourse stimulating and engaging. Thanks in advance for your participation, and welcome aboard.