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What we’re about


Building an intercultural COLLECTIVE IDENTITY

Kudwa Social Club
A space for people to plan and lead their own sessions and events and share their experiences and expertise. a series of discussions and sessions, both formal and informal meetups where everyone can learn new skills and grow in a safe environment.

The objective is to activate community members and encourage them to take ownership of creating regular events that have value to all members of this club. To make event creation more collaborative and democratic. And to provide a space for people to access a community that they can help shape.

Who should join?
Only the Club members can create, vote for, and lead events. We will then post it here so that anyone who is not a club member can join the events
The club will be in English but, one of the club rules is If anyone is having trouble with language, everyone should be prepared to help translate and explain what is happening


Club Rules: 
- It is a safe space for everyone to participate and lead sessions without judgment
- Active listening is a skill we all should have
- Themes are completely open to whatever you are passionate about - In order to create a safe and inclusive space, we prefer to stay away from political or religious themes, because they can be polarizing and exclusionary.
- We are interested and bettered by the opinions of all no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, language, origin, etc..
- No one will be excluded from sharing their thoughts and everyone needs to be asked (but not forced) if they would like to participate
- If anyone is having trouble with language, everyone should be prepared to help translate and explain what is happening