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What we’re about

Want to be a part of an active Earth-based spiritual group focused on service, ritual, and fellowship? Please join! Visit our main website for lots more information on our group: Also here is our New Member Welcome Packet.

Living Earth is an open circle of individuals and families in the south Denver area of Colorado. We share philosophies and practices of Earth-based spirituality and Earth consciousness. We celebrate the seasons, and grow together in a supportive, egalitarian environment. The vast majority of our events are designed to be family-friendly, although many of our members do not have children. We are welcoming and inclusive of all! We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit and a church (reclaiming that word!) for people who enjoy a very different embodiment of what a church can be.

You are invited to attend our public in-person events with the following COVID-19 protocols:
·  We do now require vaccination at our in person events. Here are some resources about the safety and validity of vaccination. Please bring your proof of vaccination; you may be asked to share it with the organizer upon arrival.
·  We require that you (and any guests over age 18) have this liability waiver on file with us before attending anything in person: and you can optionally upload proof of vaccination there as well.
·  Events will be outdoor-only or online, generally speaking. Indoor events may have very limited capacity.
·  Capacity may be limited, to the comfort level of who is facilitating and the constraints of the venue. If you have reserved a spot but cannot attend, please cancel your RSVP so that someone on the wait-list can attend.
·  No masks are needed outdoors, and masks for indoors may be requested depending on the circumstances or if someone in attendance requests masks.

You are invited to attend our online events with the following protocols
·  If you are unable or unwilling to receive the Covid vaccine or if you are not comfortable being around people outdoors of unknown vaccination status or health, this is a great way to participate!
·  It helps create a sense of togetherness and community if you are willing to keep your camera on.
·  Unlimited capacity and attendance from anywhere. (Updated RSVPs are appreciated)

As you may know Living Earth also offers a private ritual group experience by invitation. About half our events are published in this meetup group and open to the public, and the other half are invitation-only for this private ritual group. For information about joining the private ritual group please see our New Member Welcome Packet.

Thank you and we hope to see you soon!

Upcoming events (4+)

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