Experience the power of teamwork on 5th March 2025 at Center Rog, Ljubljana! This community-led workshop explores how non-technical teams can master Jira and Jira Service Management to break silos, automate workflows, and collaborate seamlessly. Join us to learn the Atlassian System of (Team)Work because Every Dream Needs a Team!
Event Description:
Transform how your non-technical team works by joining us on 5th March 2025 at Center Rog, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana, for an empowering Community-Led Workshop (CLW) on Atlassian’s Jira and Jira Service Management.
Why This Workshop?
While Jira is known for development teams, its robust capabilities can supercharge operations, service, project management, and delivery teams. This workshop will:
Show how to eliminate silos across teams.
Highlight ways to automate repetitive manual tasks.
Help you create a frictionless, collaborative workspace.
With practical demos and expert-led sessions, you'll leave equipped to implement Jira solutions for optimised workflows and better teamwork.
What to Expect:
Tailored Focus: Practical strategies and workflows tailored for non-technical teams.
Expert Guidance: Learn from passionate Atlassian community leaders with real-world experience.
Hands-On Activities: Engage in live exercises to understand and master key Jira features.
Collaborative Insights: Discover how multiple teams can collaborate on a single platform seamlessly.
Motto: Every Dream Needs a Team!
Keynote Presentation:
ASoW, Rovo, so what?!? - Denny Burda - Atlassian
If you have been following Atlassian over the past year you would have heard a lot of talk about our System of Work (ASoW) our philosophy on the future of collaboration, and Rovo our new AI tooling built on the Atlassian Cloud. In this session Atlassian Denny Burda will walk us through both ASoW and Rovo and explain how the two fit together and how they unleash the potential of your business and teams in 2025
Izkusite moč timskega dela, 5. marec 2025 v Centru Rog v Ljubljani! Ta delavnica, ki jo vodi skupnost, raziskuje, kako lahko netehnične ekipe obvladajo Jira in Jira Service Management za odpravljanje ovir pri delu, avtomatizacijo potekov dela in brezhibno sodelovanje. Pridružite se nam in spoznajte Atlassianov Sistem (Timskega) Dela, saj vsake sanje potrebujejo ekipo!
Opis dogodka:
Preobrazite način dela svoje netehnične ekipe in se nam pridružite 5. marec 2025 v Centru Rog, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana, na navdihujoči delavnici, ki jo vodi skupnost, o Atlassianovih Jira in Jira Service Management.
Zakaj ta delavnica?
Čeprav je Jira znana po svoji uporabi v razvojnih ekipah, njene zmogljivosti lahko močno izboljšajo delovanje operativnih, storitvenih, projektnih in dostavnih ekip. Ta delavnica bo:
Pokazala, kako odpraviti ovire pri delu med ekipami.
Poudarila načine avtomatizacije ponavljajočih se ročnih nalog.
Pomagala ustvariti brezhibno in sodelovalno delovno okolje.
S praktičnimi demonstracijami in strokovno vodenimi sejami boste opremljeni za implementacijo rešitev Jira za optimizirane poteke dela in boljše timsko delo.
Kaj pričakovati:
Prilagojena osredotočenost: Praktične strategije in poteki dela, prilagojeni za netehnične ekipe.
Strokovno vodenje: Učite se od predanih vodij Atlassian skupnosti z resničnimi izkušnjami.
Praktične aktivnosti: Sodelujte v živih vajah za razumevanje in obvladovanje ključnih funkcij Jira.
Sodelovalni vpogledi: Odkrijte, kako lahko različne ekipe brezhibno sodelujejo na eni sami platformi.
Moto: Vsake sanje potrebujejo ekipo!
Osrednje predavanje:
ASoW, Rovo, pa kaj potem?!? - Denny Burda - Atlassian
Če spremljate Atlassian v zadnjem letu, ste zagotovo slišali veliko o našem Sistem Dela (ASoW), naši filozofiji o prihodnosti sodelovanja, in o Rovo, našem novem AI orodju, zgrajenem na Atlassian Cloud. V tem predavanju bo Denny Burda iz Atlassiana predstavil ASoW in Rovo ter pojasnil, kako se povežeta in kako sproščata potencial vašega podjetja in ekip v letu 2025.
5:00 PM: Workshop Atlassian System of Work
This community-led workshop explores how non-technical teams can master Jira and Jira Service Management to break silos, automate workflows, and collaborate seamlessly. Join us to learn the Atlassian System of (Team)Work because Every Dream Needs a Team!
7:00 PM: Meal Break & Drinks
8:00 PM: ASoW, Rovo, so what?!? - Denny Burda - Atlassian
If you have been following Atlassian over the past year you would have heard a lot of talk about our System of Work (ASoW) our philosophy on the future of collaboration, and Rovo our new AI tooling built on the Atlassian Cloud. In this session Atlassian Denny Burda will walk us through both ASoW and Rovo and explain how the two fit together and how they unleash the potential of your business and teams in 2025
8:30 PM: Coctail Hour
Time for networking over cocktails with a view of downtown Ljubljana.
Sm Tahsin - WiQU (Atlassian Solution Architect and Atlassian Community Leader, Ljubljana)
A highly skilled and experienced Principal Solution Architect with a proven track record of delivering successful technical solutions for a range of clients across various industries. Expertise in Atlassian tools (Jira, Confluence, Service Management), LeanIX platform, Enterprise Architecture, Agile methodologies, and cloud technologies, including AWS. Demonstrated ability to lead technic…
Denny Burda - Atlassian (Strategic Engagement Manager -)
Denny is a Strategic Engagement Manager and part of the Advisory Services Team at Atlassian who help support Atlassian's largest enterprise customers who face the complex challenges of Unleashing the Potential of their organizations. In his spare time Denny enjoys being with his wife and two little furballs (his cats Ash and Keeley) and attending live concerts whenever he can
Sm Tahsin - WiQU (Atlassian Solution Architect and Atlassian Community Leader, Ljubljana)
A highly skilled and experienced Principal Solution Architect with a proven track record of delivering successful technical solutions for a range of clients across various industries. Expertise in Atlassian tools (Jira, Confluence, Service Management), LeanIX platform, Enterprise Architecture, Agile methodologies, and cloud technologies, including AWS. Demonstrated ability to lead technic…
Eva Gisburne
Eva is a web developer with a rich background in overseeing end-to-end website development projects. With eight years of hands-on experience in the industry, Eva has proven herself as a dynamic force in managing complex initiatives and ensuring successful project launches for a diverse range of businesses across the globe. Technical knowledge and proficiency in handling website maintenance hav…
Dominik Žarković - Koios Consulting Ltd (Atlassian Consultant & Team Leader | Atlassian Community Leader for Zagreb, Croatia)
As a Team Lead at Koios, I specialize in Atlassian solutions. With six years of experience, I have worked extensively with Atlassian tools, focusing on Cloud and Data Center implementations, consultancy, and migrations from server to Cloud or Data Center.
In addition to my role at Koios, I serve as the Atlassian Community Lead for Croatia. This position allows me to engage with and suppo…
Hosted By
Tash (SM) Tahsin, Community Leader
Eva Gisburne, Chapter Leader
With eight years of hands-on experience in the industry, I have a rich background in overseeing end-to-end website development projects. Managing client expectations and coordination of the development project scope and a development team including complex initiatives and ensuring successful project launches for a diverse range of businesses across the globe.
Global Partner
Atlassian (http://atlassian.com)
Millions of users globally rely on Atlassian products every day for improving software development, project management, collaboration, and code quality.
HYCU (https://www.hycu.com/)
WiQU Ltd (https://wiqu.io)
WiQU empowers medium-sized organisations with tailored solutions in Atlassian, ITSM, cloud, and AI-driven team performance. With 17+ years of expertise, WiQU offers a structured, client-centric approach from discovery to implementation and ongoing support. Our services enhance project management, boost security through DevSecOps, and drive productivity using AI insights. Flexible pricing models, including fixed-price and time-and-material, ensure scalable solutions that align with each client’s
For over a decade, Atlassian customers have come together to network, share ideas, solve problems, and find new ways to use Atlassian products. Today, more than 15,000 people take part in Atlassian community events in more than 30 countries.
Complete your event RSVP here: https://ace.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-ljubljana-slovenia-presents-system-of-teamwork-every-dream-needs-a-team-jira-for-non-technical-teams/.