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What we’re about

Greetings and Salutations!
Welcome to the London Introverts Social Club.
This meetup group is specifically for Introverts/Introverted people.
People often mistaken the word “introvert” for shyness which is not true, many introverts are very confident, however, they are usually confident in a quiet way (although it is true that most shy people are introverted). Introverts get energised by reflecting inwards, whereas people who are extroverted get energised the more they socialise.
There are many qualities and patterns of behaviour that define an introvert but generally speaking it can often include the following;
1. You enjoy having time to yourself
2. Your best thinking occurs when you're by yourself
3. Other people ask you for your opinion
4. You're a good listener.
5. You're trustworthy
6. Introverts are thought provoking when you get them talking
7. Introverts are self-reflective

Famous Introverts include Barack Obama, Dali Lama, Albert Einstein, Steven Spielberg, J K Rowling, Emma Watson, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Warren Buffet, Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden... the list goes on :-)

We host a number of different events throughout the year, so please keep checking the calendar and hopefully something will take your fancy.

By joining, you agree to our Group Rules and Banning Procedure. You also agree to our Legal Disclaimer and Release of Liability. If you don't agree to these terms, do not join this Meetup Group. If you have any complaints or concerns to report, please have a look at our Complaints Procedure.

Hope to see you soon

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