"Anger is not just ubiquitous, it is also popular. Many people think it is impossible to care sufficiently for justice without anger at injustice. Many believe that it is impossible for individuals to vindicate their own self-respect or to move beyond an injury without anger. To not feel anger in those cases would be considered suspect. Is this how we should think about anger, or is anger above all a disease, deforming both the personal and the political?"
For our September walk we are returning to Hampstead Heath and talking about anger and forgiveness, inspired by the book Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice by Martha Nussbaum.
You don't have to read the book to attend but if you do you'll find the walk and discussion more rewarding.
Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice
Martha Nussbaum - Wikipedia
YouTube: "What Is Anger, and Why Should We Care?"
Podcast: Partially Examined Life
Please read the following notes carefully and check the location details before attending!
This is a walking discussion group with handouts with quotes and questions provided as a starting point. The only rule is to keep all discussion friendly and constructive and be respectful of other attendees. No dogs please as they can be distracting in the group discussion. Please arrive early: we wait a maximum of 15 minutes at the meeting location and once we have left it will be very difficult to find us. The walk will go ahead no matter the weather so do dress appropriately and bring an umbrella if needed.
Hampstead Heath gets very muddy when it has been raining. Please bring good walking shoes or boots and clothes you don't mind getting muddy. Every time we have walk in Hampstead Heath I remind everyone about the mud but people still turn up with white trainers and complain that it is too muddy!
There is an optional £5 fee for this walk to help contribute towards the meetup.com fees and the time put in to prepare the walk and printed notes. You can pay in cash on the day or via this stripe link: https://buy.stripe.com/3cs5mi0aD3SxeT65km