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What we’re about

Good morning authors/writers/bloggers! For those of you who have not met me, or do not know me, my name is Rebecca Nietert. I am a licensed Professional Speaker, a Published Author, a Publisher, a Publicist, and an award-winning blogger. I created the LONE STAR WRITERS CLUB locally in the DFW area. After founding a successful Bayou Writer's Club in Mandeville, Louisiana it was my passion to continue the movement here in DFW. I created this Meetup for those authors who wish to engage in meaningful discussions with each other, inspire others, and obtain more information on how they can become traditionally published.

LONE STAR WRITER'S BLOG that any one of our approved authors can access and write on: is a Publishing Partnership company. This platform is a fairly new model combining the positives from the pay-to-publish approach, such as greater author control, keeping 100% of your profits, and shorter production time, along with the expertise of seasoned professionals to guide you through the publishing process. Click here to learn more...

I have several "meetup groups." One of which is AuthorEnterprise and as such I list all fairs and festivals, Texas-wide events as well as national or international conferences and workshops.  Please consider visiting and joining for most of the author information you can get on one site.

For instructional videos from creation to promotion please visit my site's blog at: To learn more about me check out my personal blog. To purchase one of my books please visit me on GOODREADS for over 100+ 5 star reviews. ( ).